We are Labyrinth Walkers

We are labyrinth walkers. It has been a week of violence in our land. We come together, some walk with canes, others with flute song. We walk separately and collectively, all at one time.

We  are labyrinth walkers. We gather to walk our prayers and intentions along a sacred pathway. Many have walked before us.   Labyrinth walking has been for thousands of years.   We meet in morning; it is December in our desert lands.

I am a labyrinth walker. In the midst IMG_0012of this morning meditation car alarms scream. There is distant organ music merged with the hum of low flying airplanes. I find myself  wishing it were all quiet, all peaceful,  to better  suit me.  And in the next step  I walk to realize that this day, this path, mirrors my own outer life. The labyrinth path twists sharply.   The labyrinth path is thin.  I work to keep my balance. I cannot cause car alarms to cease nor can I take the chill from the air. I learn to walk my pathway of peace in the midst of all that surrounds me.

IMG_0010We are  labyrinth walkers. We are a small group of mighty ones. One step at a time we call in peace where there is no peace. We walk this prayerful meditation by choice because we can. Each moment calls light and truth and love into being, one step at a time.

We are labyrinth walkers.


Click here for more information on walking labyrinths.  There are some simple videos included to get you started on this powerful pathway.