“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”- John Muir

The first tree I ever heard speak in the Ancient Language of Tree was my friend The White Oak. He lived on the very edge of the woods. As a child I loved this tree. He held his strong arms out wide for many creatures to call home. When storms were on the way, his leaves would turn so the backs of the veined green faced to meet the winds. He was tall and strong and old, like a grandfather I never knew.

The White Oak gave me as many acorn cups as I could gather. I used these when I would invite the faeries to join me for tea. It was a grand affair, the cups set out upon a moss-covered rock in the woods. I had a small playhouse and I spent hours with my woodland friends. This forest world was safe and loving.

I do not know how I learned to listen to trees. Their language is wild, like water from a mountain stream. It is listening to the fragrance of earth and sky. This language comes to me as a watching and knowing, not out loud words as so many human beings idly speak. Somehow in the unfolding of my young life, the tree speak became the lifeline to wisdom. This allowed me to connect to All-that-Is in a way far beyond my seven-year-old understanding.

As a child I spent many spring, summer and fall  hours outside.  My home was often one of upset and storms; I remember how my father would make me peanut butter and apple jelly sandwiches.  I would meet him on the porch where he handed  me lunch and I would take my sandwich back to the woods.   The trees would shade me and the twigs on the woodland floor would greet me in crackling applause. They all welcomed me.

Diane Annie MathiasI have listened to this wonder of trees all my life. But how can one possibly explain this? Tree speak is a visual poetry that dances deeply into the night. It is this calling that taught me to pray. It is what allowed me to begin to understand the singing of stars…

You see, when we begin to learn to listen beyond ourselves, we learn to understand that all oak trees are of a family, they connect around the earth. All fig trees are also connected and communion with one will allow you to enter into the worldwide family.   And the trees, all the trees together, create a large and powerful union.  At a young age I learned how they teach us; they are so deeply rooted and wise. The greatest of all trees, the sequoias and bristle comb pines, are majestic and hold amazing secrets. John Muir knew this. He understood “The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” So it  was for him and also for me.  Tree-Speak has taught me language beyond words. Wordlessness is the communication of the universe, one that all speak, it seems, with the exception of most humans.

As I began to learn the knowings beyond the words, I understood that what seems “fair” to a human mind may or may not explain the whys of life. I began to understand that there are floods and draughts. There may also be fires.

“Can’t others hear the cries of pain?” I asked forests and individual trees.  “Child,” the forests would whisper to my inner heart, “Unless one wants to hear, they do not even understand that other parts of the world are trying to communicate.“  And so it is with the night sky, the stars and the mountains. The unspoken wisdom and wonder is waiting to be heard. Begin to listen.  Begin with Tree-Speak…