Our lives are changing as the world around us changes.
My inner life is often reflected in changes in my surroundings.
This metaphoric reflection is what I have always known…

Yesterday in class I read a piece about fear.

It was honest.

I talked about overcoming trauma and read about releasing past traumatic times.  In recent conversations with others I am very aware how past trauma may rise up out of these difficult times.

And so I make a choice to be even more vulnerable in the groups I teach.

I have always believed that the best way to teach is by example.
As I move deeper into where our world is going, I embrace how honesty is a healing path.

I may have surprised some with my honesty, I don’t know.
I do know that we  need safe places for this honesty more than ever.
My writing sword can be a sharp one.  Sometimes that is exactly what is needed.

There are deep moves growing in my life.

I have been redoing my yard and it will look very different by the time I am done. I have heavy stumps from a tree that was torn out during a mini tornado burst, years ago. I have a peach tree that is dying.

My inward growing time are always reflected, metaphorically, in my outward expressions.

I have areas that want to be reclaimed.

birds painted

My birds are now abundant and varied.

When I first began to shelter in place I invited  them to come.

I put food in a plastic tray.  I gave them a safe place to dwell.

They are comfortable with me.
I learn a lot from these winged friends.

Many changes are happening, both internally and externally.

I continue to watch and ponder.

And now, I am thinking of altering the blue bottle pathway.

If you know me well, you know that this blue bottle pathway was created back during the time I struggled so with the eye episode.

This pathway was created  was over a period of years where my sight was greatly in danger.
It is a pathway that I built on my knees, amongst tears and dirt.

It  has been the signature of my back yard and my life.

And now, I am considering altering it a bit.  I will  keep some of the cobalt blue bottles intact and replace other areas with massive tree stumps.

I don’t exactly know what “the new” will look like but instead of a pathway of all cobalt blue glass,  I am adding tree stumps.  Massive, uprooted and replanted in new places.

This is  happening in my external life.  I understand how, in a metaphorical manner, my yard mirrors  my new life rising up from within the very depths of my being.

My written expression always helps me make sense of my life. I have many resources in my Writers’ Club to help fellow creatives discover & embrace their “Real Self”