Growing into bold is a timeless calling which requires choices, courage and action.  Today we are all invited to enter into this place.

This is not a time to wait for everything to be perfect, nor for you to have all the skills you think you need.

This is not the moment where you play it safe, stammering that you aren’t yet ready.
The truth is, you are needed now.

In this video reading I sought to capture the look of many who have gone before me, from decades ago.  It was a time when we did not emphasize all the glitz of  “video correctness” but rather, men and women stood up and read their work.

They read with their hearts open, their voices raging.
They read as a warning, a calling, the siren song.
They read to anyone who would listen.

Today I do the same…

Growing Into Bold : Video Transcript

So here it is…
And the world continues to rain in fear and ash.
Where are the streams of my youth, the barefoot days?
I remember riding my horse bareback in the shady woods.

I am challenged to stand even taller now
To be the one who has not given into terror and despair.
I rise in the morning, the sadness upon our land rising up into my bones.
I check to see where the latest fires have lapped up trees and homes.
I rise in this morning to regain my balance.
Once again
And choose to be the one I was created to be.

I leave behind the suggestion of that false idea that I am powerless and small.
I gaze into the future with a lead core in my spine.

We are the ones, I murmur.
We are the elders.
We have been placed here at this time for a purpose.

My voice is steady and solid.
I know that we will withstand because God is our source.
I have decades of knowing this.
It is laminated, layer upon layer
From the very depths of me.

‘This is a time to continue to stand,’
I speak to myself and others.
‘We were created for a time such as this.’

I watch as cities burn and protests continue.
I hear the screams in the night from my beloved earth and all her creatures.
And then I listen and I hear the sounds of singing.
It is a deep song, like whales in the ocean or stars, singing in the night.
It is easy to hear the anger and fear and yet
I listen for this song.

Stand tall, I speak forth, no longer in a whisper.
Stand tall.  We will continue to walk.
We will hold our lights up high to illuminate the dark.

(c) Diane L Mathias

Writers Grow Into Bold By Using Their Authentic Writer’s Voice

Honor those who have gone before us by picking up your pen and using your words.

Take the time to honor their lives, and yours.  Listen deeply to the stories in your own heart.  These stories are a powerful tool to help others grow. 

If you desire to Grow Into Bold, take that step forward. I offer various self study classes that are rich in encouragement and teaching. Annie’s Secret Writing School, Room One is available now in this form.  Many writers have cut their writing teeth in Room One by following vibrant writing prompts.  This course is presented in video format, you can write at your own pace.

Enter into that place of growth and strength.  Take a look at what this course has to offer you…

lion statue shows ageless strength

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