Today is the last day of a 30 day blogging challenge that I agreed to participate in.  This may be  my most poignant blog yet.

Some have asked me why I agreed to such a rigorous commitment.  You, my readers, deserve to understand the answer in the best way I can tell you. You see, we all hold “namings”, a description of who we are.  Some of our names we embrace, others we turn away from.  At least, that is how it has been for me.  Diane Mathias and drumsAnd so over the course of my years I have been called back to reclaim and walk in who I am and who I was created to be.  In many cultures there are various ceremonies to honor this process.

My purpose of accepting  this challenge was to reveal in a public fashion  some of my names by sharing my own written work.  These are  names that I hidden  for a variety of reasons.  Humiliation, alienation, jealousy from those who lightly think these names/roles  are “fun”,   embarrassment… we all have reasons not to wear our own names.  We may want to fit in, or to not appear different.  For me, this reconciliation has been a  life process, and a very  difficult one .  And so,

I lift my head in this Baptism of True Names to receive the utterances:  I am the galloper * The knower * The seer *The untamed one * The reacher into dark places * The dreamer * The poet *The warrior * The dancer * I am beloved of the Most Beloved.

Here is my confession.  It is a part of  a longer,  living poem I wrote years ago. This portion is called  Wild Woman:
Wild Woman 1Wild Woman 2

IMG_2659 - Version 2What are your namings?

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Thank you for being a part of this all! With love and my very best to each one of you, Annie

(c) Diane L. Mathias, all rights reserved