Dear Ones,

After a time of silence and grief I am once again finding my words. I have not written on this blog for awhile, instead I have had my hands in clay. I continue to choose to hold fast to the truth that Viktor Frankl taught me, decades ago: we may not be able to choose the circumstances but we alway have choices.

Today I am thinking about “We the People”…

That’s us.

Don’t forget that even if you feel small in all that is happening right now, you are not.

You count.

What you do has an impact.

I will tell you that, as a caring human and also as an empath, I have been and continue to be keenly aware of the dark uprising that seemingly surrounds us. And I know how this, left unchecked, will try to “eat me from the inside out so I choose to use my creativity as a voice, a sword and a shield.

In my world, these times call me to respond with creativity, my deepest link to my Creator.  

I have a story to tell you and I will record it soon. I will continue to create finger labyrinths so you can walk pathways of contemplative prayer and meditation from your homes. I will continue to produce video stories, music and encouragement.  I will write my poetry and books and I will not hide in fear.

I hope you will do the same.

Even if I can’t save the ACA. Even if I can’t pull truth from decay and rubble to hold it up high enough.

We all have choices of what we can do.  

Our actions may look small but they aren’t; we can only see with limited and rather dim vision because we dwell in earth bodies. Try not to be afraid. Instead, walk and hold your head up. Sing a song of goodness. Find things to laugh about. You can change the world around you with your love, despite the circumstances. And always remember that others walk with you.

Our planet needs a renewed mindset. “We the People” are still here.

Now is a time to be that renewal.

You are alive at this time for reason, you know…. (I ask that you not comment with political response or religious platitudes. That is not what this is about.  I will delete them.)

Love, Annie