I was looking at burned toast when the fire alarm began shrieking. I opened the front door to let some air in, then I saw it. I gasped. On the fire alarm was the most incredible rainbow.

May I back up the bus for a moment here? This morning I finally got up at 4:15.  I was in tears. I had been crying in my sleep. Yes, I am having difficulty in putting all the pieces of My America together. They just don’t fit anymore.

And yet I understand what to do. At least I understand what the heart steps are.   I don’t fully grasp yet what the outward steps will look like. But I know we must (and will) walk in love. Not the namby pamby type of goo that mooshes around. We will walk in love, that same love that a mother has for her child… sometimes it is soft and comforting, other times her love is mightily fierce. It is  love is as diverse as the colors of that rainbow.

If the fire alarm had not screamed I might have missed it. I choose to walk in truth with my eyes open. I for one want to learn to walk in the full spectrum of light.  We will walk in love to honor and protect. We walk in love with wisdom, truth and light.   We walk collectively, together, each as a color of this light.  Just like in this rainbow.