To My Friends:

Well, I did it!

Yep, my new book is now available on Amazon.  The Voice of Real: Stories of Who I Was Created to Be

And I thought you might enjoy the “back story”…

A dear friend recently asked me, Annie, if you felt totally accepted, what would you share?” I told her I would share a collection of stories I have written called, The Voice of Real.  These are stories that I wrote over the years and I hid them safely away.  You see, I have always been shy about some of my gifts and abilities.

And then an interesting thing happened to me on the day that Louise Hay left the planet.  As you may know, Louise Hay was the founder of Hay House.  She started that publishing company when she was 65!  The day she died I “knew,” with a very great intensity that I had to get this book out.  I made this my Labor Day Weekend project.  The stories had already been written.  Now I needed the incredible courage to share them.

Yes, I was totally terrified.  I was terrified to reveal what I had hidden so carefully in my life because my gifts don’t “fit” in our cultural reality.  Ever since I was a small child I was faced with this dilemma. And yes, many of us are in hiding with our various abilities and gifts.    To tell our stories takes great courage.  They are powerful medicine, both for ourselves and for others.

This book is dedicated to all my loved ones.  May we have the courage to tell our own stories in our Voice of Real.

With Love,
Diane “Annie” Mathias
Palm Desert, CA