I love this photo because I am surrounded by books  that I love. Do you notice how the books are larger than me? Yes, these stories have become a part of my life.  Who doesn’t occasionally rattle off a few lines from Dr. Seuss?  Or hum a few bars about the bare necessities, even if they can’t remember all the characters in The Jungle Book.

These stories call me to joy. They may provide fun places where we can jump into life.  They are familiar doorways and  when I see this photo I have to ask you, are you enjoying your writing journey?

It’s easy for writers to get caught up in the techniques and lose the spirit of the story.We do this, you know. We become focused on using all the correct words in snappy little phrases; sometimes we even forget the real reason we write. Or we use excuses and do not write at all.

  • I write because I have something to say that (I believe) the world needs to hear. I want to share passion and ignite that flame into the heart of my reader.
  • I write to express what is in my innermost heart, to capture and share what I don’t want to lose.
  • My writing brings me life. It keeps me alive.
  • I write because I must.
  • I write because I know of no other way to live.

I am offering self study classes that are inviting and you can proceed at your own pace.

These classes will challenge you to dig deeper with your words. You will delight in responding to the creatively created videos that will lead you to those hidden places within.

Did you know that you have treasures inside of you? You do!

Join us as we, the writers, rediscover the joy and fulfillment of our writing journey.