These are the top ten books that have impacted my life. I could easily write about my top 100 books of all times because books have always befriended me.  In my life, books have helped me grow and redefine my belief systems.  They have taught me, inspired me and accompanied me throughout dark and delightful days.

These top ten books have, over my years,  shifted my thinking and guided my steps.

This list does not include sacred writings and ancient wisdom.  Those are on separate list.

If you would like to purchase any of these books, I have included a “buy it now” option which will link you directly to Amazon.  If you decide to make a purchase in this manner, I will receive a small commission.  This does not affect your book cost in any way.

1. The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams

The Velveteen Rabbit Cover Image

The Velveteen Rabbit spoke to me during a time of conflict and war, life changes and choices as a teen.   “What is real?” the rabbit asked the Skin Horse.

In my life I began to understand how REAL often looks different than how our culture asks us to show up. Real might mean your fur is worn off. Real happens over time. It is, in my opinion, the only way to spend our lives.

2. Pilgrimage, The First Book of The People by Zenna Henderson

Pilgrimage The First Book of the People Cover Image

Pilgrimage, The First Book of The People was a book I clung to during my twenties and for many years after.

This is the first of a series about “a people,” living in various communities; they all possessed a variety of giftings. These books gave me hope and encouragement in the truth of who I am. Years ago, back before “empaths” and “sensitives” were recognized, Zenna Henderson had such ones in her books…

3. The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald

The Princess and Curdie is a literary treasure box.

George MacDonald is a major source of inspiration for me; his childlike stories reached to the depths of my being.

This is the story of a miner who saves his king and his own soul; this book is written with grace and imagination.

4. The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck

The Road Less Traveled was a life changer for me.

M. Scott Peck was the first person that taught me the life altering truth about choice s and spiritual growth.

This book rocked my life and I have not looked back since.

5. Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Women Who Run With Wolves - Book Cover

Women Who Run With Wolves is Dr. Estes’ early and timeless work that empowers women with the infusion of stories, poetry, wisdom and healing.

This book has changed the lives of women around the world, including mine.

I decided to produce a short video with a further explanation about my top 5 books.

Sharing these books with you is like introducing you to some very special friends of mine.

I hope you take time to read these fabulous pieces of writing.

6. Oh, The Places You Will Go! By Dr. Suess

Oh, the Places You’ll Go!  In the profound wisdom of Dr. Suess, this book has been a lifesaver during various transitions in my life.  The photos and text apply perfectly and help me to remember, yes, I can do this!

In humor and wisdom this book is profound.  I pull it out to read when life seems rocky, insecure or sometimes downright scary.  Writing for adults in his childlike manner is very good medicine.

7. The Glance by Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks

The Glance is the poetry that lights my heart in this great love affair with my God.

Rumi’s brilliance  and deep insight shines.

“We have entered into a place where everything is music….”

Rumi inspires me to enter into poetry like a dance. This translation by Coleman Barks is eloquent.

8.   Black Elk, The Sacred Ways of a Lakota  by Wallace Black Elk and William S. Lyon

Black Elk, The Sacred Ways of a Lakota, is an extraordinary look into the life of Lakota medicine man, Wallace Black Elk.

This is an explanation of his inner life as well as some of the required training and work that has been his life work since he was very young.

Even though these words on a page will not replicate Black Elk’s world, it gives the reader a closer look  into this shaman’s life, thoughts and heart.

9.  The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo

The Book of Awakening is a poetic/prose daybook of inspiration.  Nepo’s life experience gives him the ability to brilliantly speak into the lives of his readers.

Nepo’s ability to awaken and deeply reach into hearts makes this book a treasure to those who wish to live in a fuller manner.

10.  Please Understand Me by Keirsey and Bates

Please Understand Me is one of the Meyers-Briggs handbooks on Character and Temperament Types.

My well-worn copy is copyright 1978. The newer version (available here)  is updated with compatibility research and other findings since the initial publication.

When I first learned about my personality type I was filled with so much self understanding.  This understanding into my personality type was liberating, comforting and exhilarating.  There was a reason for why I am how I am!

This book was yet another life changing piece of excellent information.