I wrote this blog post a few years back and published it on another site.  When I first wrote this article, I reached out to the artist of this sculpture,  Ann Gildner. I told her how deeply moved I was as I stood before her sculpture. 

Her response to me was this:

“You not only saw my sculpture but felt what I was going through as I was making it.
Thank you, Ann Gildner”

As artists, whether our expression be sculpture, clay, paint or writing, we have the compelling desire to convey what is  deep within.  Our art is our communication.  Here is the story behind my experience with this sculpture entitled, Becca Triumphs.

January, 2016:

On Facebook this morning a long time friend posted, “Hello my friends. I have some sad news …”

This dear woman, the same age as my youngest daughter, is facing surgery to remove cancer. It is unclear how far the cancer may have spread.

My heart sunk into deep compassion with thoughts of her and what lies before her. Then I moved onto thoughts of her husband, their small children, her parents, siblings, and all those who love her. All this was whirling within me in the weavings of prayer. This was whirling and watching because if you have ever walked thru fire, you already know.

We never forget those fires that have burned in our lives.

And when a loved one walks through fire, we stand beside them. That is just what we do.

In a flash I remembered an artwork piece that totally captivated me. I was in Boyne City, MI in July 2015, enjoying the Walkabout Sculpture Show.  Six pieces of art were thoughtfully displayed in public places.

Right in our walking path on the sidewalk stood an explosive sculpture titled, Becca Triumphs.”

This sculpture, standing tall and bold with emotion, demanded a response.

Mine was instantaneous; long tears streamed down my face.

In her sculpture the artist depicts many aspects of a courageous journey.

I looked at the long outstretched hands, her head raised upwards in gratitude and victory.

I marveled at the many strong cords that had once held her captive were now loosed.

We all bring our own individual interpretation to artwork and other creative expressions.

Our perceptions stem from our own experiences.

The strength that was portrayed in this piece was unmistakable.

To me, Becca Triumphs brings hope and the clear sounding encouragement to keep going.

Suffering changes us.
It can usher in a deep awakening.
Triumph is a stance of courage, gratitude and awe.
Triumph is an undeniable response over that which sought to hold us captive.
This victorious expression was beyond any words I could stammer.

Becca Triumphs burned deeply into my entire being.   Creative expression has a way of doing just that. I do not know the back-story of who Becca is and what trial by fire she went through.

I do recognize how  inspiration beyond words rises out of the work of artist Ann Gildner. She knows what it is to rise up above adversary.

She captured this moment of triumph.

She shares it with all of us in a portrayal created from iron and granite.

I think of my friend and I hold this image of incredible courage and triumph before me.

I replace Becca with her own name. I continue to watch as this sculpture rises up in my heart …
“You too will triumph,” I whisper to her. “You are a woman of courage and might.”

sculpture depicting triumph over sickness

Art is not just something to look at. It can also be a vital place where we live and have our being.

Art can be a sacred expression that calls to us, reminding us when we need courage or truth or a place to hide. I am grateful to this artist, Ann Gildner, whose work gives us an iron-strong visual of what true triumph looks like.

This work also expresses the honesty of the struggle.

The sheer magnitude of this sculpture and the materials used captures this raw truth.

Becca Triumphs is a striking example of how powerful the arts can be.  This is not merely “entertainment” but a means to convey hope and courage.

Have you ever looked upon a creative work that brought tears to your eyes?  Have you ever heard a poem or music that moved your spirit in a profound manner?

Ann is the owner of Gildner Art Gallery in Cheboygan, MI.

As an artist and a writer, I have seen the impact of creative work. Our art is often medicine, both for ourselves and for others.

In this video, Art In A Time Of Grief, I talk further about art as a healing modality.

There is a value in our work that exceeds any sale.  It is the healing value of the human spirit.  It is the value of connection that moves us deeper towards our Creator.

Diane Annie Mathias uses art and writing as a modality for self discovery, healing and renewal.
Her extensive work has spanned decades.  Her strong belief that creativity is a vital part of our existence continue to motivate her.