This is day 2 of the 30 day writing challenge.  Writing is the easy part for me but the technology can be daunting.  Sometimes things get lost along the way; I miss a step and posting  my  blog doesn’t work.  Kinda like in real life.

It’s late now.   I struggled with the post I had originally written for today; I posted it but something was wrong and I don’t know how to fix it.  And yes, I should be sleeping. But I decided to pull the original post and write a new one.  You get an inside look at what is going on, right now.  Welcome to my honest and authentic life.

You see, there is that deep stubbornness (that I can call determination) that lives inside me.   This  trait  doesn’t want to call it quits.  Just between you and me, I am glad I’m this way…without it  I would have given up a long time ago.  Getting discouraged happens.  When it does,  I have to dig deep down to speak kindness to my heart because sometimes I feel like a failure.  I have learned the practice of speaking kindness to myself  over many years.  You’re Ok, Annie, I say.  This is new.  And you are doing fine.

Tonight I tell myself, in that conversation between me and me, Just keep going.  Learning can be messy.  It’s not always instant. Wait, let’s  try that again, I say, me to me.  If it’s worth learning, it is going to take some effort.  Sometimes a lot of effort.  And there will probably be lots of imperfection.   Are you ok with that?

I smile, just a teeny bit, in the midst of those sneaky tears.  Yeah, I’m ok with that.  I’m willing to keep going.  It’s not just about goals but about who I am becoming in the midst of reaching these goals.   And I know I will continue on.  And I will keep speaking kindness.   It is a powerful language of the heart.

The gardenia in the photo is from my garden.  I like that the leaves are spotted and not perfectly shiny.  The flower still blooms and offers her generous fragrance.