Using Inner Child Healing Techniques In Your Writing

Writing can pull back the curtains and allow our child within to find a voice.  Inner Child Healing Techniques can start out with the simple prompt:

When I Was A Child …

I then allowed my pen to flow freely, not attempting to harness my thoughts. I let the memories fill the page. As an adult, I am not always aware from a child’s perspective. This free flowing exercise allowed me a glimpse into my young life. If we allow it, this can be a time of insight and compassion for ourselves. Please take some time to write if you like.

This is what flowed from my pen…

When I was a child I hid a lot. It’s not that I didn’t like other people, I really did. But I was never informed that maybe I thought about things a bit differently.

No one ever told me, when I was a child, that not everyone was enthralled with the magic of the night sky. Most people preferred to watch the TV.

No one ever told me that others would lie and even steal. I remember when someone stole my friend’s bike. How could they do that?  Her father had just died and now her bike got stolen. I remember that question echoing thru me like a dark, thundering train.

When I was a child I loved to play in the woods behind my house. I was very brave, at age 7, to travel the length of the woods along the barbed wire fence. I followed a little path that curved past my magic stones, beyond the Best Secret Hiding Place, thru the sunny leaves and then back to my little house in the woods. I would set out acorn teacups for the faeries and I would serve tea on moss tablecloths on stone tables.

Acorn Cups - Inner Child Healing Techniques

When I was a child I remember sneaking a flashlight under the covers so I could keep reading, long after I was supposed to be asleep.

I remember taking Ticket, an old cocker spaniel who I was doggy sitting for, on walks at night. I remember looking at all the houses and then the stars, the houses seemed so few and so quiet. Ticket was very old and I was glad she stayed alive until her owners came back from England. I would pray for her to live just a little while longer. She was a very, very old dog.

I remember wondering what it would be like to not yet be born. When I was a child this came to me many, many times, like a dream that begged for understanding. I pondered this in child-like wonder.

When I was a child I hated Wonder bread. I would smoosh it into tiny globby balls and drop it through a crack in the bench at the dinner table. My dog, Charcoal, always helped me out with Wonder Bread balls and brussels sprouts. But even Charcoal wouldn’t eat  Spam. I got in trouble once because it just lay there, catsup side down, on the floor.

When I was a child I hid a lot. There was so much I didn’t understand.
I hid a lot too because there was so much I did understand but I was only a child.

What would your inner child want to share with you?

I used this technique to produce my book, ‘The Voice of Real’.  It’s a collection of my inner stories, from a time when I hid my “giftings” from the world. I chose to bring these stories forward in order to empower others who may keep their abilities a secret from a world who does not accept “different.”