When we express our hearts upon paper or screen, we allow for the honest release of our pain, sorrow or trauma.  We allow our words to come forward and to be heard.  This is a safe and sacred place to process and honor that which is  inside us.  When we allow ourselves this  writing freedom, our words spill forth in a new way.

I wrote Keyboard Altar decades ago, at age 32 following the death of my husband. Little did I know that as I sought healing for my own broken life, I was also  creating a method to help others in the midst of their pain.  It was in these trenches that I developed my Healing Words programs, both for the bereaved and for those living with cancer.
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Writing from our heart without prepared outlines and scripts is powerful.  May you find courage to pour out your heart upon the page.

The photo is taken from a portion of a page from my book, Baptism of Tears.  This is another of my One-of-A-Kind books.  There is a story line that runs throughout the book;  poetry is inserted, sometimes in secret envelopes.  Handmade paper, photos and textures are collaged on each page.  The book stands 3’tall.

If you would like to know more about my writing process that I teach, click here.

(c) Diane L. Mathias,  2003  All rights reserved