In 2015 I took a huge risk.  I started to share my own personal work in a blog.

This blog was not about business, like I had blogged before.  

In those early blogging days, I became a part of a 30 day blogging challenge created by Bradley Wills.  A part of this challenge, for me, was to come out of hiding and allow myself to be seen. I accepted the challenge of sharing some of my stories, artist books, and poetry that had never been made public before.  I was going to let my readers come “inside” to my hidden places.

I often felt afraid.  I was moving deeper and further into my path as a writer and a creative. 

I was letting myself be seen.

I have been writing for a very long time.

I have been published in a variety of ways. 

But what I was about to share was my very personal works. I began to write about various aspects of my life that people might not know:

I wrote about being a synaesthete, one who sees color when I hear music and tastes emotions.

I shared some of my one of kind artist books.

I wrote about intuitive writing and being a person of dreams.

I shared poetry that I had hidden away.

I began allowing my readers to have a deeper glimpse about who I am.

deeper into enlightenment
The Moon Watches Over You - A One of a Kind Artist Book

Sharing this work on social media changed me.

Every time I hit the “post” or “publish” button I felt that terror. The fear of rejection would rise up.
I know this may surprise some.  So many think that I am fearless.
I am not. And this is why I am so passionate about supporting other writers. Writing is not an easy work.

I remember setting up my website.
I remember learning how to create links and use my own photos as I entered into a land that seemed scary and odd.
Traveling through Cyberspace was the beginning of a life changing journey.

I have come home to my true calling. I am so grateful that you are all part of this.

I thought you might enjoy looking at one of my first posts during that time.

I remember how this journey felt like one of those dreams where you are driving a car and then you realize that you are naked. And so I was. I was allowing myself a deeper level of vulnerability than what was in my comfort zone. I feel that way sometimes, even now.

a stylized photo of the author

This is a dangerously courageous journey for me, to fully “return home” to my arts and my true self.

I cannot go deeper in my teachings without continuing to do my own work.

And yes, I understand how tempting it is to stay in the “safe zones.” But we don’t grown here. We have choices to make.

And long ago I learned that honesty is the very best way to live our lives.

Here is that original post, Allowing Myself To Be Seen, Part One.

I have continued on.  In this life journey of writing there is an unfurling of self discovery.

The more we are willing to be transparent, the more we become a hollow reed where creativity can move through us.

Diane Annie Mathias - La Quinta Cove

I don’t believe there are magic formulas or buttons to press.

Instead there is a willingness to let the outer facade fall away and we allow our authenticity to be seen.

Are you courageous enough to walk this path?

(c) Diane L. Mathias, all rights reserved


How to Write Powerfully Using Your Authentic Voice

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