I have a survival tool kit that is different from my “bug-out” bag.
My bug-out bag holds emergency items in case I have to leave my home in a hurry due to earthquake or fire.
I have this bag packed and ready:
- some food
- a phone charger
- emergency and legal papers
- cash, a change of clothes.
They are in a duffel bag, ready, just in case.
But my survival tool kit is just as important. I have added tools over the span of my life; tools that are my “go-to” ways of handing difficult or challenging situations.
I will tell you quite honestly that writing is one of my most valuable tools in the entire kit.
Writing is vital for good mental health.
Over my lifetime, I have used writing in so many instances.

When my husband died by suicide I began to journal.
- I wrote to heal and to cope with all the jagged pieces and emotions.
- I wrote looking for answers to an overwhelming WHY.
- I wrote as I stood up against great fears of being a young widow with three small children and no life insurance.
- I wrote as I learned to take baby steps into a scary new world and step into freedom
And as a result, I went on to establish many successful writing classes for the bereaved.
When I faced possible blindness after a botched cataract surgery I wrote.
I wrote with eyes closed, my hands traveled the keyboard to find my true voice during this time of terror and uncertainty.
When my right hand was injured and I was told it was not usable anymore, I learned to write with my left hand.
When I face life situations I didn’t know how to handle, I write.
You see, writing in your authentic voice is a powerful healing path. It is very different from how you think you are “supposed to” write.
Studies have shown how this writing reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, helps organize thoughts and figure out problems.
Writing also allows us to uncover buried parts of ourselves and walk in peace.
We can learn to write honestly and befriend ourselves.
And now, in a time when mental health is so vital, learning to write in your “authentic voice” is crucial.
Honestly, this practice has saved my life. This is the core of my teachings and what I have taught for over three decades.
This is why I created my free 12 Step Authentic Voice Guide.
It is yours at no charge. This will help you begin to write in your authentic voice.
And for those who say, “I’m not a writer,” I am not even concerned. I am, however, concerned that you learn to use your authentic voice.
This will make a huge difference.

You don’t have to share your writing.
But please, take steps to promote good mental health.
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