About Diane

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So far Diane has created 76 blog entries.

As An Artist, What Is It That I Do?

People will sometimes ask me, as an artist, what it is that I do. To explain, I tell them that I am a translator of creativity. I take an experience and from this, I create it in an outer form. This is the continual quest of an artist. This translation may come in the [...]

By |2021-01-12T08:16:30-08:00January 10th, 2021|Authentic Self, Response to Art, video|0 Comments

Mountain Companions in the Rain

What miracles have you experienced in your life? “Don’t crash,” he said, as he gathered up his instruments from the flute circle gathering. “I won’t,” I promised. “I won’t crash. I’ll drive carefully.”  I said my goodbyes to all the people who had come together to play music on that Friday night. I [...]

By |2021-01-05T08:56:33-08:00December 10th, 2020|Blog by Diane Mathias, Miracles, storytelling|0 Comments

Being a Warrior is a Call To Not Give Up

Being a warrior is a call to walk a deep and meaningful life. It is a call to not give up, to not give in, to lift up our heads and keep walking. A warrior may be engaged or experienced in warfare.  It can also be a person engaged in some struggle or conflict. I [...]

By |2021-01-05T08:58:20-08:00November 23rd, 2020|Blog by Diane Mathias, Courage, Encouragement|0 Comments

Why Authentic Writing Is A Vital Tool In My Survival Toolbox

I have a survival tool kit that is different from my “bug-out” bag.  My bug-out bag holds emergency items in case I have to leave my home in a hurry due to earthquake or fire. I have this bag packed and ready: some food a phone charger emergency and legal papers cash, a [...]

The Thanksgiving Watermelon

Perhaps someone else out there is afraid. Perhaps someone else is also facing uncertainty.  May I tell you a story? It is November 28, 2008, which was Thanksgiving morning... I suppose that before you actually hear the words of my story you must first understand about the magic. Not many folks [...]

I am A River – Poetry with Music

Poetry combined with music creates a deeper expression of beauty. The metaphor of a river reflects our lives which run deep and strong.  I am a river, deep and full I have meandered between rock and soil Carving out my path. I am a river, ancient and dusky Learning from the rivers that [...]

By |2020-10-29T08:31:33-07:00October 28th, 2020|Blog by Diane Mathias, Growth and Transformation, Poetry|0 Comments

Words I Would Leave Behind

“What words would you leave behind?” I was asked. And so I began to share (in the video below) what my years have taught me. These words are not spoken lightly. They are words from truths that have driven me to create courses and talks, artwork and writings. These are words that bring water [...]

By |2020-10-21T11:39:07-07:00October 21st, 2020|Authentic Self, Blog by Diane Mathias, Courage, Encouragement, video|1 Comment

Growing Into Bold, A Timeless Calling

Growing into bold is a timeless calling which requires choices, courage and action.  Today we are all invited to enter into this place. This is not a time to wait for everything to be perfect, nor for you to have all the skills you think you need. This is not the moment where you [...]

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