About Diane

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So far Diane has created 76 blog entries.

Keyboard Altar, When Our Writing is the Cry of Our Hearts

When we express our hearts upon paper or screen, we allow for the honest release of our pain, sorrow or trauma.  We allow our words to come forward and to be heard.  This is a safe and sacred place to process and honor that which is  inside us.  When we allow ourselves this  writing [...]

By |2019-03-12T13:50:29-07:00November 23rd, 2015|Bereavement, Blog by Diane Mathias, Growth and Transformation, One of A Kind Books|Comments Off on Keyboard Altar, When Our Writing is the Cry of Our Hearts

The Moon Watches Over You – A One Of A Kind Artist Book

When I was young I knew that creating 3-Dimensional books would be an expression of deep wonder.  I watched them appear in my mind, they cried out to come forth. My enthusiastic passion was met with scoffs and ridicule.  (This was before the scratch n sniff and pop-up books... and those were not the [...]

By |2018-09-20T15:31:28-07:00November 18th, 2015|Artist Book, Blog by Diane Mathias, Creative Works, One of A Kind Books, Poetry, video|Comments Off on The Moon Watches Over You – A One Of A Kind Artist Book

Speaking Kindness

This is day 2 of the 30 day writing challenge.  Writing is the easy part for me but the technology can be daunting.  Sometimes things get lost along the way; I miss a step and posting  my  blog doesn't work.  Kinda like in real life. It's late now.   I struggled with the post I [...]

By |2017-02-15T15:17:16-08:00November 18th, 2015|Blog by Diane Mathias, Encouragement, Self Compassion|Comments Off on Speaking Kindness
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