About Diane

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So far Diane has created 76 blog entries.

The Universe Within: Reflections of My Life Themes

We all have  life themes.  They show up repeatedly  in our lives and in our art.   If you have been reading my blogs , you already know that stars are only  one of my life themes.  Some of my  life themes include Beloved and Creator God,  healing, empowerment, authenticity  and creative expressions in many [...]

By |2015-12-11T21:41:23-08:00December 11th, 2015|Blog by Diane Mathias, Growth and Transformation, video|Comments Off on The Universe Within: Reflections of My Life Themes

What I Didn’t Tell You About That Apple Jelly

There was apple jelly in the peanut butter sandwiches I ate as a child. Did you notice?  I mentioned this briefly in the last blog, "Learning to Listen to Tree Speak".             "As a child I spent many spring, summer and fall hours outside.  My home was often one of upset [...]

By |2015-12-09T16:39:48-08:00December 9th, 2015|Blog by Diane Mathias, Healing, storytelling|Comments Off on What I Didn’t Tell You About That Apple Jelly

Learning to Listen to Tree-Speak

 “The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”- John Muir The first tree I ever heard speak in the Ancient Language of Tree was my friend The White Oak. He lived on the very edge of the woods. As a child I loved this tree. He held his strong arms out wide [...]

By |2015-12-08T20:26:41-08:00December 8th, 2015|Blog by Diane Mathias, Growth and Transformation, storytelling|Comments Off on Learning to Listen to Tree-Speak

Standing Up to The Bogeyman

I have had many fears in my life to overcome. We all have. Recently I began a 30 day blogging challenge where I am putting my own work on the screen. I've told you how  I am often terrified “to be seen”. It is not because I shouldn’t be doing this; it is because [...]

By |2020-02-14T08:07:25-08:00December 7th, 2015|Blog by Diane Mathias, Courage, Creative Works, Growth and Transformation|Comments Off on Standing Up to The Bogeyman

My Twin Story

In August, 2006 I wrote to my friend that I just discovered I was a twin.   From Ecuador her response was , "Twin???  Literally?  Do tell!"   So I began to tell her. .. Yes, twin as in twin.  When I was working at the hospital as director of Arts in Health Care we piloted [...]

By |2015-12-07T07:16:37-08:00December 6th, 2015|Bereavement, Blog by Diane Mathias, Growth and Transformation, Intuition, storytelling|Comments Off on My Twin Story

We Are Labyrinth Walkers

We are Labyrinth Walkers We are labyrinth walkers. It has been a week of violence in our land. We come together, some walk with canes, others with flute song. We walk separately and collectively, all at one time. We  are labyrinth walkers. We gather to walk our prayers and intentions along a sacred pathway. [...]

By |2021-01-22T08:52:05-08:00December 5th, 2015|Blog by Diane Mathias, Coping with Uncertainty, Growth and Transformation, Labyrinth Walks, Meditation|Comments Off on We Are Labyrinth Walkers

Inbetween Space, in Honor of my Father

I wrote about an experience I had following the death of my father; an old picture frame holds that aging  poem. Today is the anniversary of his passing.  It honor of him, I share... March 2, 2004 I had an amazing dream early this morning.  I'll tell you about it sometime.  It had to do [...]

By |2015-12-04T21:54:01-08:00December 4th, 2015|Blog by Diane Mathias, Growth and Transformation, Poetry|Comments Off on Inbetween Space, in Honor of my Father

Synesthesia: Yes I Smell Emotions

Yes I  smell emotions.  I see colors when I hear music.   The first time I heard the word synesthesia I was doing research for a paper in bio-psychology. There it was, right on the computer screen. I didn’t even know how to pronounce synesthesia but the definition described me perfectly.   I sat for hours, [...]

By |2015-12-03T19:08:43-08:00December 3rd, 2015|Blog by Diane Mathias, Creative Works, Poetry|Comments Off on Synesthesia: Yes I Smell Emotions
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