Shinrin-Yoku is Healing Forest Medicine
Being connected to nature brings a healing power to our bodies, our minds and our spirits.
The practice of Shinrin-Yoku was established in Japan during the 1980’s. Shinrin-Yoku is referred to as “the medicine of being in the forest.”
There is healing power that springs forth from being connected to nature.
Taking in the forest atmosphere is good for body, mind and spirit.
This practice has become a buzzword among some although people have gone into forests for renewal and healing long before this label was used.
John Muir Understood the Benefits of the Forest
The forest has much to teach us.
John Muir was a naturalist, author, environmental philosopher and early advocate of preservation of Wilderness in US. He recognized the importance of woodland wilderness:
“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in,
where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike.”
– The Yosemite (1912), page 256.
Muir, a Scottish American, lived from 1838 to 1914. His passionate work helped to preserve Yosemite Valley, Sequoia National Park and other areas. Muir was the founder of The Sierra Club.
Muir’s deep understanding still speaks to us today:
“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”
John of the Mountains: The Unpublished Journals of John Muir, (1938), page 313.
Using a Steel Tongue Drum in a Guided Forest Meditation –
How Instruments Enhance Poetic Prose in the Woodlands
In the meditation video you heard a musical soundtrack.
I love to use instruments to accompany my words, this brings a deeper layer to the reading.
In the soundtrack I played a steel tongue drum. This drum is a Moyo Drum.
The one I played has a deep cathedral sound that, when accompanied with my deep Cm Native style flute, brings out the beauty of the forest.
The wooden flute is my Old Grove Redwood Flute. When I create a video with music there are many deep connections. Of course this is the flute I chose to play… you can read the backstory about this flute when you click here. Read the video notes also.
Today is the day that the forest speaks life and refreshment to our spirits.
This calming meditation asks you to pause and enjoy the celebration of forest life.

How the Moyo Drum and Native Style Wooden Flute Help Create the Sound of Deep Peace
The soundtrack is a Cm Moyo steel tongued drum created by Visionhawk Music and accompanied with a Native style flute.
The music and the video are created by Diane Annie Mathias.
I have played Moyo drums since their creation and love how deeply the resonant sound touches the spirit. I often use Moyo drums with poetic prose for healing and expansion. This video is no exception.
I firmly believe there are significant benefits for writers to understand how adding music to their poetry and poetic prose allows the listener to gain a deeper connection with their work. I will be covering this in more depth in upcoming sessions in The Writers’ Club, a membership group for writers looking to enhance, or even begin to release the writer within.
I absolutely adored listening to your voice together with the soothing music. What a great combo to soothe my senses and transport me into another state of mind.
The song of foliage, of birds, of Earth…. ah, brought my heart instantly into gratitude. How magical to simply be alive and get to experience this all!
I am so delighted you enjoyed this guided meditation. Being alive is a fabulous gift, the woodlands always reminds me…ox
Annie, I listened to both recordings and I am calmed. She was exposed in Boise when she visited a friend at the university. We were tested yesterday. Will get results today. 2 weeks quarantine. Sad baby, disappointed, angry with self, oh dear…oh dear.. Time for mom to stay quiet, be there, non judging, Alive, grateful.
Much gratitude for your love and support.
I am glad these brought calm to you. My love and prayers are with you. xxAnnie