As An Artist, What Is It That I Do?

People will sometimes ask me, as an artist, what it is that I do. To explain, I tell them that I am a translator of creativity. I take an experience and from this, I create it in an outer form. This is the continual quest of an artist. This translation may come in the [...]

By |2021-01-12T08:16:30-08:00January 10th, 2021|Authentic Self, Response to Art, video|0 Comments

Why Authentic Writing Is A Vital Tool In My Survival Toolbox

I have a survival tool kit that is different from my “bug-out” bag.  My bug-out bag holds emergency items in case I have to leave my home in a hurry due to earthquake or fire. I have this bag packed and ready: some food a phone charger emergency and legal papers cash, a [...]

Words I Would Leave Behind

“What words would you leave behind?” I was asked. And so I began to share (in the video below) what my years have taught me. These words are not spoken lightly. They are words from truths that have driven me to create courses and talks, artwork and writings. These are words that bring water [...]

By |2020-10-21T11:39:07-07:00October 21st, 2020|Authentic Self, Blog by Diane Mathias, Courage, Encouragement, video|1 Comment

Allowing Myself To Be Seen, Part 2

In 2015 I took a huge risk.  I started to share my own personal work in a blog. This blog was not about business, like I had blogged before.   In those early blogging days, I became a part of a 30 day blogging challenge created by Bradley Wills.  A part [...]

Dance to the Music You Hear

“And those who were seen dancing, were thought to be crazy, by those who could not hear the music.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche No one told me that not everyone could hear the music that I heard... As a child, I just assumed the people around me were like me. [...]

By |2020-01-29T14:29:04-08:00December 5th, 2019|Authentic Self, Blog by Diane Mathias, Courage, Intuition|0 Comments

Going Deeper Into Our Written Work

Going Deeper Into Our Written Work I know that going deeper into our written work involves meeting with the shadow side. These shadows are sometimes called "the dark side." They are parts of us that we may want to hide because they make us look less than perfect. Meeting with my shadow side [...]

Using Inner Child Healing Techniques In Your Writing

Using Inner Child Healing Techniques In Your Writing Writing can pull back the curtains and allow our child within to find a voice.  Inner Child Healing Techniques can start out with the simple prompt: When I Was A Child ... I then allowed my pen to flow freely, not attempting to harness [...]

What Does It Mean To Use Your Authentic Voice In Writing?

When we use our authentic voice in writing, we move away from a "follow the numbers" format into a world where our words, thoughts and written form are our own. We come out of hiding and remove our masks. There is an originality that is now placed upon the page and this is offered [...]

By |2020-01-16T14:08:48-08:00February 22nd, 2019|Authentic Self, Blog by Diane Mathias, video, writing|0 Comments
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