How To Express Grief In Writing

This season of COVID brings up many emotions. There is fear and uncertainty, a sense of how everything is put on hold.  As a result, I have revisited the subject of how to express grief in writing. We grieve because what we once knew as normal has changed. We may grieve because our lives [...]

Even After Death, My Stryder Lives On

Losing a precious pet can be a deep journey. In December my sweet companion/friend Stryder died. I hope that sharing about the loss of my beloved four legged one will somehow help you or someone you know. Stryder has always been a dog of miracles. Before I found him, I had been “calling [...]

Why Single Acts of Kindness Matter

One time happenings can change the course of our lives. One seemingly small gesture can have a massive impact. We have tales about how our lives were touched by a one time blessing. We remember these. They become part of our story. I remembered single acts of kindness that [...]

By |2019-11-13T13:06:27-08:00November 13th, 2019|Bereavement, childhood, Encouragement, Healing, storytelling, video|0 Comments

My Twin Story

In August, 2006 I wrote to my friend that I just discovered I was a twin.   From Ecuador her response was , "Twin???  Literally?  Do tell!"   So I began to tell her. .. Yes, twin as in twin.  When I was working at the hospital as director of Arts in Health Care we piloted [...]

By |2015-12-07T07:16:37-08:00December 6th, 2015|Bereavement, Blog by Diane Mathias, Growth and Transformation, Intuition, storytelling|Comments Off on My Twin Story

I Look For The Doorway With No Frame

A Handmade Artist Book by Annie Mathias This poem is written for the people I dearly love I look for the doorway with no frame To enter into the place  with no ceiling and no walls. The land is before me now, beside me, within me I move with no feet and [...]

Keyboard Altar, When Our Writing is the Cry of Our Hearts

When we express our hearts upon paper or screen, we allow for the honest release of our pain, sorrow or trauma.  We allow our words to come forward and to be heard.  This is a safe and sacred place to process and honor that which is  inside us.  When we allow ourselves this  writing [...]

By |2019-03-12T13:50:29-07:00November 23rd, 2015|Bereavement, Blog by Diane Mathias, Growth and Transformation, One of A Kind Books|Comments Off on Keyboard Altar, When Our Writing is the Cry of Our Hearts
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