Learning A New Language For A New Time

I realize how we must learn a new language for this new time... I know many languages and yet, in this time I am aware of needing to learn a new language that goes beyond my words. I need a new language for this new time. A New Language.  [...]

Remembering How Strong We Are

When we stop to remember how strong we are, something happens. Our world is fraught with anxiety and uncertainly. I invite you to join me today to embrace the truth that we have, in our lives, grown in strength. This is why I have created this guided mediation. Like powerful trees, we [...]

A Song of Hope, Looking To Future Days

If I were to offer A Song of Hope for this time it would be... Creativity often grows and percolates in the deep and quiet places. This song is actually a prayer which has grown in such a place. A Song of Hope is my heart cry for our world. [...]

True Success is the Transformation Process

My father used to call it filling the pipeline. “You just keep putting things into the pipeline, eventually it will come out the other end," he would say. Somehow he forgot to tell me that sometimes it takes a lifetime to fill up that pipeline... at least, that’s how it was for me. [...]

When Our Creative Spaces Become Too Small

I am breaking out of old spaces and I am aware how difficult this can be.  To me it can feel like breaking out of a very old box. Sometimes we hesitate to show our newest work.  This happens to us all, I believe, especially when it deviates from what [...]

Why Memories Matter: The Flower Wreath

Our memories matter.  They can hold special moments that allow us to become who we are today. These memories can bring gentle experiences to others who otherwise would not have known... “My mom used to braid flower wreaths for me when I was little,” my daughter said. My ears perked up. She remembers [...]

How Art Can Inspire Us In Difficult Times

I wrote this blog post a few years back and published it on another site.  When I first wrote this article, I reached out to the artist of this sculpture,  Ann Gildner. I told her how deeply moved I was as I stood before her sculpture.  Her response to me was this: “You not [...]

Creative Thinking: A Ladder To The Sky

Creative thinking is enhanced by understanding how the creative process works. There are times when creatives spend their energy in very big ways. I call the thin and dim weariness that can follow this time The Flatlands. The following video is a visual tour of this place... [...]

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