I am A River – Poetry with Music

Poetry combined with music creates a deeper expression of beauty. The metaphor of a river reflects our lives which run deep and strong.  I am a river, deep and full I have meandered between rock and soil Carving out my path. I am a river, ancient and dusky Learning from the rivers that [...]

By |2020-10-29T08:31:33-07:00October 28th, 2020|Blog by Diane Mathias, Growth and Transformation, Poetry|0 Comments

Growing Into Bold, A Timeless Calling

Growing into bold is a timeless calling which requires choices, courage and action.  Today we are all invited to enter into this place. This is not a time to wait for everything to be perfect, nor for you to have all the skills you think you need. This is not the moment where you [...]

Learning A New Language For A New Time

I realize how we must learn a new language for this new time... I know many languages and yet, in this time I am aware of needing to learn a new language that goes beyond my words. I need a new language for this new time. A New Language.  [...]

A Reflection of Untreated PTSD from Childhood – The Undertow

Untreated PTSD from childhood may show up when we encounter stress in later life.  In my youth there was no diagnostic label of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly referred to as PTSD.  It was during a time of great stress as an aging  adult that this memory of being caught in an undertow emerged. [...]

Our Changing Lives

Our lives are changing as the world around us changes. My inner life is often reflected in changes in my surroundings. This metaphoric reflection is what I have always known... Yesterday in class I read a piece about fear. It was honest. I talked about overcoming trauma and read about releasing past [...]

Remembering How Strong We Are

When we stop to remember how strong we are, something happens. Our world is fraught with anxiety and uncertainly. I invite you to join me today to embrace the truth that we have, in our lives, grown in strength. This is why I have created this guided mediation. Like powerful trees, we [...]

Singing The Long Song, A Song of Awakening

There is a song that is being sung. I call it The Long Song, A Song of Awakening.  It calls to us.  Those who listen will hear and respond.  When so much of what we once knew is now different, we may listen in different ways. Our hearts may be opening into [...]

When We Seek To Express The Inexpressible

There are times when we need to express the inexpressible. Like right now.  Our world is in great crisis. I woke this morning to hear the words of my deceased father.  (Yes, I am one of those) I asked how I can offer hope to others. In response, I am sharing a chapter from [...]

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