A Song of Hope, Looking To Future Days

If I were to offer A Song of Hope for this time it would be... Creativity often grows and percolates in the deep and quiet places. This song is actually a prayer which has grown in such a place. A Song of Hope is my heart cry for our world. [...]

How To Express Grief In Writing

This season of COVID brings up many emotions. There is fear and uncertainty, a sense of how everything is put on hold.  As a result, I have revisited the subject of how to express grief in writing. We grieve because what we once knew as normal has changed. We may grieve because our lives [...]

True Success is the Transformation Process

My father used to call it filling the pipeline. “You just keep putting things into the pipeline, eventually it will come out the other end," he would say. Somehow he forgot to tell me that sometimes it takes a lifetime to fill up that pipeline... at least, that’s how it was for me. [...]

Even After Death, My Stryder Lives On

Losing a precious pet can be a deep journey. In December my sweet companion/friend Stryder died. I hope that sharing about the loss of my beloved four legged one will somehow help you or someone you know. Stryder has always been a dog of miracles. Before I found him, I had been “calling [...]

When Our Creative Spaces Become Too Small

I am breaking out of old spaces and I am aware how difficult this can be.  To me it can feel like breaking out of a very old box. Sometimes we hesitate to show our newest work.  This happens to us all, I believe, especially when it deviates from what [...]

Allowing Myself To Be Seen, Part 2

In 2015 I took a huge risk.  I started to share my own personal work in a blog. This blog was not about business, like I had blogged before.   In those early blogging days, I became a part of a 30 day blogging challenge created by Bradley Wills.  A part [...]

Live A “Let It Be” Day To Bring Restoration

Do you ever feel like what you have accomplished is not enough? Do you ever get tired of striving, being, doing “that next thing?” I do. I woke up this morning feeling rather blah. I feel tired, even after a full night’s sleep.  And yet, it seems there is so much to [...]

Dragonfly Gardens – The Mystique Of How Artists Connect

In honor of my dearly departed friend, Susan Smith Evans When I answered the phone to hear your husband telling me the news of your tragic accident, my mind fought against accepting his words.  I listened to Ron and the story he relayed.  No!  This could not be happening. And when I [...]

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