Stryder The Wise: Rescue Dog Blog 2

My name is Stryder. Some of my friends call me Stryder The Wise.  Being a rescue dog has given my great perspective on life. On my last blog I asked if you would like me to create another blog and video and so many said yes. Honestly, I was really deeply touched by your [...]

Why Memories Matter: The Flower Wreath

Our memories matter.  They can hold special moments that allow us to become who we are today. These memories can bring gentle experiences to others who otherwise would not have known... “My mom used to braid flower wreaths for me when I was little,” my daughter said. My ears perked up. She remembers [...]

Creative Thinking: A Ladder To The Sky

Creative thinking is enhanced by understanding how the creative process works. There are times when creatives spend their energy in very big ways. I call the thin and dim weariness that can follow this time The Flatlands. The following video is a visual tour of this place... [...]

“Braver Than I Thought…”

"Mom, I'm not as smart as I used to be." I will never forget my youngest daughter's statement after her first day back to school following brain surgery. After many personal trials that had initially delayed graduation, she was supposed to graduate the year before, in Spring 2014.   Then,  just prior to the [...]

Being Alive! A Guided Forest Meditation

Please pause for a moment to listen to this guided forest meditation: Shinrin-Yoku is Healing Forest Medicine Being connected to nature brings a healing power to our bodies, our minds and our spirits. The practice of Shinrin-Yoku was established in Japan during the 1980’s. Shinrin-Yoku is referred [...]

Stryder’s Big Rescue Dog Blog

My name is Stryder. Over 3 years ago some very loving folks rescued me from my old life and brought me to live with my beloved human. Annie is a writer and even though she walks on 2 legs and I walk on four, we have a lot in common. I asked [...]

Going Deeper Into Our Written Work

Going Deeper Into Our Written Work I know that going deeper into our written work involves meeting with the shadow side. These shadows are sometimes called "the dark side." They are parts of us that we may want to hide because they make us look less than perfect. Meeting with my shadow side [...]

Using Inner Child Healing Techniques In Your Writing

Using Inner Child Healing Techniques In Your Writing Writing can pull back the curtains and allow our child within to find a voice.  Inner Child Healing Techniques can start out with the simple prompt: When I Was A Child ... I then allowed my pen to flow freely, not attempting to harness [...]

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