Freedom Walker: Escaping Old Lies

We all have them...old lies that keep us captive. These untrue beliefs can be something that we were told, years ago, and believed them at the time. Perhaps it was something said by a teacher, a parent or a dear friend. We accepted them as truth and we tiptoed around in life to make [...]

Spectrum of Light

I was looking at burned toast when the fire alarm began shrieking. I opened the front door to let some air in, then I saw it. I gasped. On the fire alarm was the most incredible rainbow. May I back up the bus for a moment here? This morning I finally got up at 4:15. [...]

By |2017-02-17T12:10:35-08:00January 26th, 2017|Blog by Diane Mathias, Courage, Growth and Transformation|0 Comments

Confession of This Wild Woman

Today is the last day of a 30 day blogging challenge that I agreed to participate in.  This may be  my most poignant blog yet. Some have asked me why I agreed to such a rigorous commitment.  You, my readers, deserve to understand the answer in the best way I can tell you. You see, [...]

By |2016-06-05T10:02:02-07:00December 15th, 2015|Authentic Self, Blog by Diane Mathias, Growth and Transformation, Poetry|Comments Off on Confession of This Wild Woman

The Universe Within: Reflections of My Life Themes

We all have  life themes.  They show up repeatedly  in our lives and in our art.   If you have been reading my blogs , you already know that stars are only  one of my life themes.  Some of my  life themes include Beloved and Creator God,  healing, empowerment, authenticity  and creative expressions in many [...]

By |2015-12-11T21:41:23-08:00December 11th, 2015|Blog by Diane Mathias, Growth and Transformation, video|Comments Off on The Universe Within: Reflections of My Life Themes

Learning to Listen to Tree-Speak

 “The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”- John Muir The first tree I ever heard speak in the Ancient Language of Tree was my friend The White Oak. He lived on the very edge of the woods. As a child I loved this tree. He held his strong arms out wide [...]

By |2015-12-08T20:26:41-08:00December 8th, 2015|Blog by Diane Mathias, Growth and Transformation, storytelling|Comments Off on Learning to Listen to Tree-Speak

Standing Up to The Bogeyman

I have had many fears in my life to overcome. We all have. Recently I began a 30 day blogging challenge where I am putting my own work on the screen. I've told you how  I am often terrified “to be seen”. It is not because I shouldn’t be doing this; it is because [...]

By |2020-02-14T08:07:25-08:00December 7th, 2015|Blog by Diane Mathias, Courage, Creative Works, Growth and Transformation|Comments Off on Standing Up to The Bogeyman

My Twin Story

In August, 2006 I wrote to my friend that I just discovered I was a twin.   From Ecuador her response was , "Twin???  Literally?  Do tell!"   So I began to tell her. .. Yes, twin as in twin.  When I was working at the hospital as director of Arts in Health Care we piloted [...]

By |2015-12-07T07:16:37-08:00December 6th, 2015|Bereavement, Blog by Diane Mathias, Growth and Transformation, Intuition, storytelling|Comments Off on My Twin Story

We Are Labyrinth Walkers

We are Labyrinth Walkers We are labyrinth walkers. It has been a week of violence in our land. We come together, some walk with canes, others with flute song. We walk separately and collectively, all at one time. We  are labyrinth walkers. We gather to walk our prayers and intentions along a sacred pathway. [...]

By |2021-01-22T08:52:05-08:00December 5th, 2015|Blog by Diane Mathias, Coping with Uncertainty, Growth and Transformation, Labyrinth Walks, Meditation|Comments Off on We Are Labyrinth Walkers
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