A Reflection of Untreated PTSD from Childhood – The Undertow

Untreated PTSD from childhood may show up when we encounter stress in later life.  In my youth there was no diagnostic label of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly referred to as PTSD.  It was during a time of great stress as an aging  adult that this memory of being caught in an undertow emerged. [...]

Even After Death, My Stryder Lives On

Losing a precious pet can be a deep journey. In December my sweet companion/friend Stryder died. I hope that sharing about the loss of my beloved four legged one will somehow help you or someone you know. Stryder has always been a dog of miracles. Before I found him, I had been “calling [...]

“Braver Than I Thought…”

"Mom, I'm not as smart as I used to be." I will never forget my youngest daughter's statement after her first day back to school following brain surgery. After many personal trials that had initially delayed graduation, she was supposed to graduate the year before, in Spring 2014.   Then,  just prior to the [...]

Using Inner Child Healing Techniques In Your Writing

Using Inner Child Healing Techniques In Your Writing Writing can pull back the curtains and allow our child within to find a voice.  Inner Child Healing Techniques can start out with the simple prompt: When I Was A Child ... I then allowed my pen to flow freely, not attempting to harness [...]

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