Why Authentic Writing Is A Vital Tool In My Survival Toolbox

I have a survival tool kit that is different from my “bug-out” bag.  My bug-out bag holds emergency items in case I have to leave my home in a hurry due to earthquake or fire. I have this bag packed and ready: some food a phone charger emergency and legal papers cash, a [...]

Learning A New Language For A New Time

I realize how we must learn a new language for this new time... I know many languages and yet, in this time I am aware of needing to learn a new language that goes beyond my words. I need a new language for this new time. A New Language.  [...]

A Reflection of Untreated PTSD from Childhood – The Undertow

Untreated PTSD from childhood may show up when we encounter stress in later life.  In my youth there was no diagnostic label of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly referred to as PTSD.  It was during a time of great stress as an aging  adult that this memory of being caught in an undertow emerged. [...]

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