Growing Into Bold, A Timeless Calling

Growing into bold is a timeless calling which requires choices, courage and action.  Today we are all invited to enter into this place. This is not a time to wait for everything to be perfect, nor for you to have all the skills you think you need. This is not the moment where you [...]

Learning A New Language For A New Time

I realize how we must learn a new language for this new time... I know many languages and yet, in this time I am aware of needing to learn a new language that goes beyond my words. I need a new language for this new time. A New Language.  [...]

A Song of Hope, Looking To Future Days

If I were to offer A Song of Hope for this time it would be... Creativity often grows and percolates in the deep and quiet places. This song is actually a prayer which has grown in such a place. A Song of Hope is my heart cry for our world. [...]

Creative Thinking: A Ladder To The Sky

Creative thinking is enhanced by understanding how the creative process works. There are times when creatives spend their energy in very big ways. I call the thin and dim weariness that can follow this time The Flatlands. The following video is a visual tour of this place... [...]

What Does It Mean To Use Your Authentic Voice In Writing?

When we use our authentic voice in writing, we move away from a "follow the numbers" format into a world where our words, thoughts and written form are our own. We come out of hiding and remove our masks. There is an originality that is now placed upon the page and this is offered [...]

By |2020-01-16T14:08:48-08:00February 22nd, 2019|Authentic Self, Blog by Diane Mathias, video, writing|0 Comments

Why I Have Not Failed: Reflections Out of The Rich Compost of My Life

Composting is the decomposition of thrown away waste. This material breaks down over time to become a powerful additive for gardens and crops. The rich soil of our lives is greatly enhanced by our powerful compost. Our experiences are to be valued, both the wondrous times as well as seasons of pain and difficulty. [...]

Graphophobia No More: How I Overcame My Fear of Writing

Graphophobia is the fear of writing. I suffered from graphophobia; I worked hard to overcome my own fear of writing.  Because of this I am able to understand how this fear works and effectively help others.  Hearing me talk about this may surprise you.  I am an author, a seasoned writing teacher and a [...]

The Top Ten Books Which Have Impacted My Life

These are the top ten books that have impacted my life. I could easily write about my top 100 books of all times because books have always befriended me.  In my life, books have helped me grow and redefine my belief systems.  They have taught me, inspired me and accompanied me throughout dark and [...]

By |2018-10-25T12:49:56-07:00September 17th, 2018|Authentic Self, Blog by Diane Mathias, Book Review, writing|0 Comments
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