Do you ever feel like what you have accomplished is not enough?
Do you ever get tired of striving, being, doing “that next thing?”
I do.
I woke up this morning feeling rather blah. I feel tired, even after a full night’s sleep.
And yet, it seems there is so much to do.
The truth is, I don’t want to do any of it.

There is nothing pressing or urgent today.
There is nothing that HAS to be done.
So instead I am reflecting on the grounding truth that I am enough.
Who I am right now is enough.
Yes, today is a Let It Be Day.
I needed this. I so desperately needed time to just let the day unfold.
I needed to take time to stop and eat when I am hungry. Maybe I will take a nap.
Today is a cooler day here in the desert and fall is coming to much of the country. The green lemons will ripen soon and my big dog is sleeping beside me.
I am sitting under my lemon tree, writing. I am content to breathe in the beauty around me.
Does everyone else in the world already do this?
I don’t know, but for me, this is powerful medicine.

Sometimes I need a day with no demands or expectations, either inwards or outwards.
I need a rest from what surrounds me.
This brings food for my spirit and long, deep waves of restoration.
Today is a Let It Be Day.
As creatives, we continue to learn and forge our pathways.
The manual we seek is written inside our own listening heart.

Working beside other writers has great value for support and encouragement.
I have created such a place. It is called Writing Expressions.
You can read about it here:
Love it. I call it a Pajama Day. The trouble is, we don’t do it often enough. We always have one in the days between Christmas and New Year, when our energy levels are zilch. But it would be good to “schedule” one at least every month
A once a month day is a fabulous idea! I really love your suggestion. To give ourselves permission to live this every month… perfect idea! Thank you, Carolanne. I wonder if, once scheduled, will I follow thru? I will let you know 😀