Not Your Typical Journaling Course with Diane Annie Mathias
One of my superpowers, I have been told, is to help others release the writer within.
This is done by providing a safe and creative space where writers can emerge and grow.
In this course I am offering experiential, hands-on journaling tools and deeper insight about the benefits journaling can provide.
This is definitely NOT your typical journaling course.
Not at all.

Over four weeks you will cover a variety of journaling techniques.
Each week you will have a specific theme to follow with 2 video prompts. These prompts will teach a variety of expressions, including narratives, responsive writings and journaling with an artistic flair on the page. You will use “hands on” writing to explore many tantalizing options.
Who doesn’t enjoy a smorgasbord of scrumptious appetizers to discover your favorite styles?
It is a safe space for us, as writers, to go deeper into our work
Course Price: $67 for 12 months access
What people are saying about the “Not Your Typical Journaling Course”
Here is an overview of the “Journaling Journey” you will follow and some of the benefits:

WEEK ONE: Using My Authentic Voice
When we write, we each have our own “voice” that is unique. You will discover and uncover more of who you are in the 2 prompts within Week One.
Benefits: When we feel blah or discouraged, we can call to mind what we enjoy, our priorities, what makes us alive and move into embracing these authentic voices.

WEEK TWO: Where I Live, On The Inside And The Outside
This week we enter into our homes in a brand new way. You will be looking inside and outside at our dreams and accomplishments. You will write from a different perspective and learn to see “with new eyes.”
Benefits: In this journaling practice you stand in a place where you can use writing to alter your perception, to feel confident about who you are, what you are about and who you are becoming.

WEEK THREE: Resolving Conflicts With My Written Words
This week you will learn a method to help resolve conflict and angst in your own life. You will wield a tool that only involves yourself. In 2 writing prompts you will practice and write in a manner to help you move past unspoken words, actions and troubling situations.
Benefits: Unresolved conflict brings stress and worry into our lives. Learning to speak our truth in a safe place can bring closure and peace.

WEEK FOUR: Using Art In My Journaling Practice
Implementing new visual forms of art into your journaling practice can help “stir up” what is inside of us! This week you will use 2 forms of visual journaling. These practices lend themselves beautifully to times you may feel tired, bored, or even “stuck.” You will be amazed at what emerges from your inner treasure box.
Benefits: New tools are always welcome. Here are a few more amazing journaling tools to add to your tool belt that I think you will enjoy!
The Benefits of Journaling Include:
- Help with anxiety
- Allows us to put our lives into perspective
- Allows for better sleep
- Can be used for decision making
- Provides a safe place to voice your thoughts
- Improves communication skills
- A great tool to achieve goals
- Healing both emotionally and physically
- Coping with stressful situations
- Finding your way through new and uncertain times.