Ceramic Critters and Clay Beings

Ceramic Critters and Clay Beings by Diane Annie Mathias spring forth from time to time.  Mathias states, “There are times when these ceramic ones want to be created.  I hold the clay and they come forth, usually without planning.  They can be an outer expression of what is brewing deep within.   They are a “one of a kind” type of happenng.  When the ceramic critters and clay beings come forth as a series, they are  sold as a series.  If these clay beings resonate with you, it is because they have something to tell you…”

You may find that Ceramic Critters and Clay Beings is the strangest category of all my ceramic work.  Expressions in art often bypass the mind and come forth in an intuitive manner.  They are a form of expression that may be difficult to explain in outer words.  Clay gives us a medium to tell our truths in a deeper dimension.  I love when this happens!  These are some of my truths…

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