The Authentic Voice Mini Video Series
Get instant access for 6 months to this mini video series for just $7!
This self study course can be taken at your own pace.
The videos in this mini course have been designed to take you deeper into using Your Authentic Voice.

Please complete the details in the form below (make sure you make a note of the email address and password you use) – once you click the ‘get access’ button, you will be taken to Paypal to make your payment (payment will be collected by Outta My Gourd Drums).
If you have taken one of my stand alone classes before please ensure you use the SAME email and password details in the form below.
IMPORTANT: If you are a Writers’ Club Member you do NOT need to purchase this video series. You already have access to it with the Club. (If you are not a member and would like more information about the Club, please click here)
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