What Is ‘Making Our Own Art Together?
I love to sit around a big table while everyone is working on their own artwork or craft projects.. And so I had an idea.
Because we are a global community and not meeting in person, let’s have a zoom room gathering. You do not have to sit in front of your computer but instead, we will have the connection open to talk, see what others are doing, spend this time as a group while we work on our individual projects.
- Do you enjoy art in any form?
- Painting, coloring, pastels or clay work…perhaps your forte is woodburning or paper mache?
- What about embroidery or felting?
- Maybe you are working on illustrating a book or creating a creative gift for a grandchild?
- Or do you enjoy coloring?
Artistic expression is an excellent modality for good mental health. Let’s gather together and work in the collective creative energy once a week.
Grab a cuppa and work on your project. It is inspiring to be with other creatives. The supportive environment helps us as we accomplish projects that we otherwise might put off
This non-critical space is welcoming and fun. Each two hour session provides enough time to delve into our work.
What The Art Sessions Will Be
- This gathering place provides conversation and company while you work on your own project. This is a joy-filled place for creatives to gather to create.
- If you prefer to work in silence, you can mute yourself.
- Artist expression of all types of media are welcome in this non-non-judgmental gathering
- No previous artist training is necessary
- If you would like to color, coloring sheets will be provided. You provide your own crayons, colored pencils of coloring pens/paints.
- Studies have shown that creating art helps our mental health. Expression is vital.
- This is a purposely small group with no political talk, no sharp edges and no confrontations.
What The Art Sessions Will NOT Be
- This is not a competitive space, there is no judgement of style or ability.
- This is not an art class with teaching, although participants are welcome to share about their own work.
- This is not a place to sell or market your goods
- Email addresses of participants will not be shared or exchanged. If you wish to do so with mutual consent between friends, that is your choice.
- Your privacy is respected.
How Often Do We Meet?
Weekly, every Tuesday at 11am (PST) in a dedicated Zoom Room
Each session lasts 2 hours.
Each Making Our Own Art Together Session ends with a “savoring time” when we share our work in progress.
(If you do not already have zoom, details on how to download it for free will be provided once you sign up).
How Do I Join In?
Cost: $35 paid monthly, for 4 x two hour interactive sessions (one per week).
That’s less than $9 per session and November and January are bonus months – as you get 5 sessions for the price of 4
Simply sign up below (you can cancel at any time).
Details of the Zoom room login details will be displayed once you have registered.
Please note: whilst the registration may ask for a password, you will not need to use this to access the zoom room sessions.
(Payment will be collected via paypal using business name “Outta My Gourd Drums”)