My name is Stryder.

Some of my friends call me Stryder The Wise.  Being a rescue dog has given my great perspective on life.

On my last blog I asked if you would like me to create another blog and video and so many said yes. Honestly, I was really deeply touched by your response and love. Thank you from this big dog’s heart.

And so, I’m back! 

Dogs and people see things differently sometimes.  Let me explain…

Dogs Live In The Moment

I think I am probably 7 or 8 years old now, I am not sure.  Dogs don’t look at time in the same way you 2 legged do. 

We are more moment by moment.  Like, when it’s time to get up, which is as soon as I see Annie stir.  She usually wakes up before I do.  Sometimes I sleep on my bed until I hear her putting my food in my dish, then I appear. 

I might look like I’m sleeping a lot, but if you look carefully, you will see my eyes are actually open under my mop of fur.  Or, right now, I am “sleeping”  by the door waiting for my walk. 

So I am not worried about what will happen tomorrow.  Or the day after.  I am just happy to be in this moment, walking through my life.

Annie says this is a concept that 2 legged ones are trying to learn. They call it “mindfullness.”   Sometimes humans pay lots of money to buy books about this, or go to a big gathering where is taught. 

I have to admit,  this is a bit bewildering to me. 

How can people  live with all those “future happenings” piled up in their minds?  How can you enjoy right now when you are trying to figure out about tomorrow or the next day?  Isn’t there enough to do right now?

I Can Be Happy About So Many Things

Yesterday I went with Annie to a meeting she has once a month or so. She gets together with a few of her friends and they talk. 

It was great fun for me. 

I had a car ride with air-conditioning blowing on my face.  I got to go to my dog friend’s house.  My dog friend, Lucy is there.  She is doing so much better now because she started taking a few drops of CBD oil on a dog treat every morning.  She can jump up on the couch now and frisk around.  I was getting a bit worried about her.  Now she is out of pain.

I also get to check out the water bowl and her dog food bowl while I am there. 

Of course I have to clean up any leftovers. 

And my human friend who lives there always has a bone or treat for me.  I follow him around and he always pats me. We are true buddies. 

When it is hot, I stretch out on the stone floor and snooze.  I can go outside if I want to and check out the latest birds and breezes.  Sometimes I sleep in the doorway. 

If my friend leaves the study door open I like to go in there because that is where he hides all the dog treats.

When we are part way to his house I KNOW where we are going.  By the time Annie pulls up in the driveway, I am dancing and can’t wait to get out.

I think this must be what Disneyland is like for dogs.

What Do You Mean, “Back In The Day?”

It’s interesting to hear people say,

“Back in the day…”

I don’t really understand what that means, back in the day. 

I am glad I don’t have to go back and live in the canyons.  I don’t have to prove that I can still be a wild and wandering dog.  Yes, I do have dog children that I will never meet.  That was before I was (what you call) “civilized.”

But as far being the “cool dog in the canyon mode,” I have already done that. 

I have that in my past and I don’t have to prove my dog-hood by being how I was back then.  

Folks! This is the day.

I am living my very best self right now. 

Are you?

I Know That I Will Be Taken Care Of

There is something that happens when we know we are surrounded by love. We settle in, knowing that we are safe. I know that I won’t be tossed out just because I am not as spry as I used to be.  This is true, unconditional love.

There was a period of time that Annie was worried about me because I sleep so much.  I know in her thinking she was worried that something was wrong with me.  But then, eventually Dr. Bradshaw told her how big dogs sleep a lot.  Annie didn’t realize this, I suppose, because before she was always at work and didn’t see how her other dogs slept all day.

Now she is more relaxed.  And even when she started to figure out that I am a bit older than originally thought, Annie just nodded.  She smile whispered to me, I will always take care of you.This long term caring is not just for dogs, but for people too.

It’s funny, isn’t it, how so many try to act young.

But there is something really wise about being an older dog.  I wish I could explain it to you.  Maybe if people tried to act their age, instead of always striving to be younger, they too could settle into a place of knowing.

This is a good place.  It is a place of rest and joy.

It is a place of  listening and getting brushed, patted and knowing that I will be taken care of.

I know I am always valuable and that I always matter.

Thank you for listening, my dear two- legged ones.

It is time for my nap now. 

I hope you will rest when you need to.

With love and licks, Stryder the big rescue dog.

What I like best is that I am understood and loved.