My name is Stryder.

Over 3 years ago some very loving folks rescued me from my old life and brought me to live with my beloved human.

Annie is a writer and even though she walks on 2 legs and I walk on four, we have a lot in common.

I asked Annie if I could do a blog on her website because I have something to say. Of course she said yes.  I think Annie was curious about what I wanted to say.

I Know What It’s Like To Face Fear

I have two fairy Dog-mothers, Vikki and Diane.  The second day of my new life, Vikki stopped by and she and my beloved Annie took me to the vets.   They watched me freeze in fear right at the door.   I sat down and that was it.

Yep. 90 lbs. of terrified dog is totally immovable.  They ended up sliding me across the floor.  A lot of people gently helped.

Have you ever been so afraid of something that you froze?

Everyone in the vets office was so nice to me.  No one yelled at me or hit me or called me stupid.

It has taken me a long time to get used to all my new situations.  I was even afraid to walk down the street on a leash.

Are your human friends like that?

Not on a leash, of course, but are there times when you don’t know what is going on inside of them?  They act all weird.   Maybe they are afraid.

Just because I’m big doesn’t mean I don’t get afraid.  I might not look scared but sometimes I am.

The kindness of others has helped me a lot.

Stand By Your Loved One

Last night Annie was worried about something and she couldn’t sleep. Finally she got up and went out into the dining room.  I looked like I was asleep but I really wasn’t.  I got up and followed her.

Sometimes I get a treat by doing this.

But mostly I wanted Annie to know that I was there. This can mean a lot, just knowing someone else is beside you.  Even if they don’t say anything.  Just being there.

I don’t usually give dog kisses or anything like that.  I’m not real big on the “cutey” stuff….

But I am there.  Always.

And folks, this goes both ways.  When we go somewhere and I’m all “Mr. Cool Dog” and everyone says how handsome I am, I sometimes act like I don’t need anyone.

But if I get scared, guess who I want to be with? That’s right.

stryder the dog with a small child

I Confess, I Have To Practice Being Patient

You know, little dogs like to come up to me and they  dance all around my feet.  They are like giant fleas.  Sometimes they play nip.

They like to act like us big dogs, you know? So I am learning to be patient.   I don’t nip or snarl at them.  I don’t make them feel stupid and little,  even though I could.
I just stand there and practice being patient.

If they are too obnoxious I nudge Annie in our secret language way.

She knows that I am saying, “Can we go now?”
And of course we do.

Annie has learned to speak dog. She hasn’t always known how but now she does pretty well.

Life hasn’t always been easy for me and when I was “rescued” I didn’t know what to expect.  But you know, my life is good.

I love my home.

We do  cool stuff.

I get to be in Annie’s books.

I like it when we play music too.

And I have soft beds to lie on.

Stryder the dog looking at the camera

What I like best is that I am safe and loved.   I am a happy pup!