How The Wonder Path Began…

I realized at one point in my life I was not loving my life anymore.  I had become stuck and bored with what I used to do and needed a place to grow into my “what’s next.”

As a writer and artist (well, ok yes, a musician also) my life is full of various creative modalities.  I love how they merge into what helps me offer transitional spaces to others.

Writing is such an incredible modality.

Do you have stories to tell?  Perhaps you have a book inside of you?

Writing is a creative expression that calls out what is inside of us.

Writing is a portal where we will break through blockages and learn new ways to enjoy and live our beautiful lives. In this transformational setting you will use writing and your creative heart to grow and share.  There are no critics, only encouragement in a supportive manner.

And yet, so many folks say, “I’m not a writer.”

These are some of my favorite people.  Yes, the ones who say,  “I’m not a writer.”

Or they have writings that they don’t show to anyone.

I get that.  I totally understand.

That is why I create safe places to grow. After 35 years of teaching and facilitating classes, I know what is needed to create these sacred spaces.  My classes are small and people can be authentically themselves.

The emphasis of this journey on The Wonder Path is to empower YOU.  This is a return to joy and discovering courage to change and grow.

I invite you to join me in an Online Class, or in my Writers’ Club where I provide interactive writing/sharing groups in a non-critical environment, with private facebook groups.

I have been called the Healer Of Wounded Writers.  I am one who Releases The Writer Within.

Are you ready for the “what’s next” in your life?

Please join with me on this path.   Trust me, there is so much more…

Diane “Annie” Mathias, MA