When we use our authentic voice in writing, we move away from a “follow the numbers” format into a world where our words, thoughts and written form are our own. We come out of hiding and remove our masks.

There is an originality that is now placed upon the page and this is offered to our readers. We are no longer seeking to sound like someone else because, quite truthfully, we are beginning to “find our own voice.”

This can be joyful and also quite terrifying. We are conditioned from an early age to “follow the rules” and not stand out. We are told not to step outside of what has always been done before. As children, perhaps we were threatened with failing grades and a low scholastic status so we would not break any literary rules.

There comes a time as writers, however, when those old ways begin to feel too tight and very restrictive.

We may outgrow our past writing styles, bland words and thread bare phrases.  In the middle of writing a story we suddenly have a flash of inspiration and ask:

 ‘Can I do this? Is this allowed?’ 

We hope no one is looking over our shoulder. We may hear a critical voice from within that tells us this is not safe and certainly not allowed…

Congratulations!  You are beginning to move into the realms of using your own voice.  You are expressing your true self!

Yes there will be naysayers and those who feel threatened because you are moving past the common path.  You are entering into those deep caverns that are inside of you.  You no longer ignore what is crying out to expressed.  This is you now using your authentic voice.

Watch how your own authentic voice sets your writing apart from the garden variety of work.

Your style will begin to form.  This is you and you look amazing on the page.
To answer your question, yes you may do this.  Gather up your courage and move forward.  You are certainly allowed.

As you remove your mask, look at all who have stepped forward to use their authentic voices in writing.  These are the authors we remember. They have imprinted their creative originality upon us.

We have heard and loved their authentic voices.

I share a few more of my thoughts in the video below.  I hope you enjoy it and please, let me know how you doing with using your authentic voice in writing in the comments below.


How to Write Powerfully Using Your Authentic Voice

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