Composting is the decomposition of thrown away waste. This material breaks down over time to become a powerful additive for gardens and crops.

The rich soil of our lives is greatly enhanced by our powerful compost.

Our experiences are to be valued, both the wondrous times as well as seasons of pain and difficulty. The compost of suffering has potential to now grow rich offerings.  By understanding our lives, our writing gains texture and speaks in the language only spoken by those who have walked upon this land.

Our true voice sings out with wisdom and hindsight.  We stand in the authentic truth of who we are today as a result of the rich compost of our lives.

By reflecting upon what has grown out of my life,  I remembered a gift which has given me courage to continue on. In this video storytelling I express why I have not failed.

What grows from the rich compost of your life?

This video and the music used within it is all my original work.

The rich compost of my life has brought forth the  hidden work of one of my books,  The Voice of Real.  This is  a collection of inner stories eventually told after hiding my “giftings” from the world.

I chose to bring these stories forward in order to empower others who may keep their abilities a secret from a world who does not accept “different.”