“What words would you leave behind?” I was asked.
And so I began to share (in the video below) what my years have taught me.
These words are not spoken lightly.
They are words from truths that have driven me to create courses and talks, artwork and writings.
These are words that bring water to our quenched spirits.
They are words that strip away the external walls and allow us to discover what treasures lie in the depths of our being.
“Use your authentic voice,” I began…
How does one do this? It takes time to learn how to walk in this way. But this pathway is vital in finding the treasures within.
You don’t have to try to fit in
Don’t be ashamed of who you are.
Over the years we discover and move into this authenticity.
We learn that each one of us are valuable.
We learn how to move out with compassion and empathy, both for ourselves and for others.
We learn this and move, no longer ashamed of who we have been created to be.
If these words speak to you, there is more.
Start here: Not Your Typical Journaling class
…and uncover who you are now.
Not who you were, but who you are today.
Let this process be full and fun. May we all walk in the fullness of who we are.
This blog is dedicated to my father, Jacques LesStrang.

Beautiful words, full of love and encouragement, thank you Annie, I can feel them settling in to the little treasure spaces in my mind and shining there